Saturday, December 31, 2011

The End!!

This is my last blog of 2011. I am grateful and humbled by you. I could not let this year close without saying thank you. I want to thank each one that has supported my blog, Waters of Wisdom. My heart is full of gratitude to the visible and invisible followers and those that stop by occasionally. The journey has been great, but your love and support encouraged me. My prayer is that the blessings of the Lord overtake you in 2012. Trust God, its a must!

Apostle Jacqueline R. Walters

Friday, December 30, 2011

Write It Off

As we close 2011 and enter 2012, we must make a conscious decision to Write It Off. It's time to get off the merry-go-round, ferris wheel, and roller coaster.  Its time to walk into purpose and destiny. Write It Off!

People, places, situations, circumstances, and obstacles that have been dead weights and fruitless. Write It Off!

Don't look at it as a loss. A loss doesn't necessarily mean a loss. A loss can mean a Win. Remember this, And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

It's time to take inventory. It's time to count up the cost. It's time to make decisions. It's time to get unstuck.

Write It Off!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Shhhhhh.......Do you hear what I hear? This season for many brings a lot of hustle and bustle. Quiet yourself and listen. Believe it or not some people are afraid to be quiet while others don't know how to be quiet. Shhhh....We can miss some valuable lessons by not being quiet.

And that ye study to be quiet, and do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing. I Thessalonians 4:11-12

The MacMillan  dictionary defines study as the process of learning about a subject by reading and by going to school, university, etc.

Another dictionary defines study as:

application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection.

zealous endeavor or assiduous effort.

to apply oneself; endeavor.

to think deeply, reflect, or consider.

to read carefully or intently.

to endeavor to learn or memorize

to give thought to; consider.

Study to be quiet. Shhhhhh..... Its going to take some work on your part, but give place to this valuable piece of instruction.  Quietness can bring a lot of positive results. You can hear and see clearer when you're quiet.

Don't be so quick to respond to everything. Of course, you have something to say.  Timing is so important. The lack of sensitivity towards timing can cause shipwreck and irreparable damage in your life and the life of others. 

Shhhhhh ..... This is why we must follow the swift-slow-slow method. It works, but consistency is key. If you are diligent to apply these instructions, effective results will be achieved.  The swift-slow-slow method was penned by Apostle James. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.
 James 1:19

Shhhhhh!!! Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.   Psalm 46:10


There is a political arena in the spirit. An ongoing war in the heavenlies. In the natural realm we can see it on every level. Children have a political arena at school. Bullying, clicks, popularity, and the list goes on.

Adults encounter political arenas at work. Needless to say, even though the government is a political arena itself there are politics within  politics. Family feuding is nothing but politics. The systems that be are politics.

Denominationalism is  politics. The law of the spirit and the law of the flesh, politics. The church world has a political arena. Gospel stations play the same songs and artists over and over again. Seldom making room for the new. Someone else in the backwoods has a song. Circles and clicks determine the opening/closing  of ministry doors.

Some trying to get to the same platform. Others trying to make a name for themselves. John the Baptist is identified as a voice crying out in the wilderness. There's only power in one name and that name is Jesus. Church  politics bring a divide and a spiritual onslaught. These things should not be. It's time to stop the madness.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Reach One!!

It is important to know we may not reach the masses. Start with the crumbs, reach one, then another one, and so on. There are times you will hear of those you touched and times you will never know. I want to encourage educators to keep teaching, someone is listening.

A students' thank you letter.

I will miss you, because you helped me through a lot. You told me not to hang around certain girls. You are my first Black teacher. You taught me all that I know. Thank you for not giving up on me. You helped me through 5th grade. You showed me the way through the woods. You showed me through the path.

A 5th Grade Student

Thursday, December 22, 2011

TEN 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

There are 10 days left in 2011. Days we will never see again. They are yours to make a difference.  Affect your future by applying yourself to change for the next 10 days. Don't try to do everything in 1 day. Remember you have 10. Here goes TEN 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

The Biblical Meaning of the Number 10

TEN (read more....)

 It has been already pointed out that ten is one of the perfect numbers, and signifies the perfection of Divine order, commencing, as it does, an altogether new series of numbers. The first decade is the representative of the whole numeral system, and originates the system of calculation called "decimals," because the whole system of numeration consists of so many tens, of which the first is a type of the whole.

Completeness of order, marking the entire round of anything, is, therefore, the ever-present signification of the number ten. It implies that nothing is wanting; that the number and order are perfect; that the whole cycle is complete.

Noah was the tenth generation
The Ten Commandments
The 10 clauses of the Lord's Prayer
The Tithes
The 10 Plagues of Egypt
The 10 kingdoms controlled by the Antichrist
10 Nations
What were the 10 trials of Abraham's Faith?
The Ten Rebellions of Israel
The Temple's Silver Sockets
When did FIRE come down from Heaven?
What were the 10 times the people shouted for JOY?
What are the 10 times God CURSED someone or something?
Who declared publically that they sinned?
How does 10 related to the Tabernacle?
What are the 10 words of Psalm 119?
The Tenth Generation
The 10 Parables of the Kingdom
The Unrighteous shall not enter God's Kingdom
What is the ten-fold security of the Saints?
What are the 10 "I AM's" of Jesus found in the book of John?
What are the 10 names repeated twice in a row?
Which words and phrases occur 10 times?
The Talmud and the number 10
What were the 10 Passovers observed in the Bible?
What are the 10 times a woman brought about the DEATH of others?
Which 10 younger sons were preferred instead of the eldest?
Additional commentary on the Biblical Meaning of 10 *

TEN 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I Choose To Forgive!!!

Forgiveness is an act.  It requires faith and action. Our Spirit, Soul and Body are affected by forgiveness or the lack of forgiveness. I agree that forgiveness embodies power and transformation.

When we walk (our lifestyle) in unforgiveness, we are like a time bomb waiting to explode.  There are times when we are more readily to forgive those we choose to forgive than forgiving across the board.

Forgiveness is like Our Father in Heaven.  It has no respect of persons. Teaching forgiveness to the younger generation is a strategic move to offset the enemy (unforgiveness) that grows up with our youth to adulthood.

Understanding unforgiveness as an enemy and choosing to forgive releases us to live a freed live.  I am grateful that God requires us to forgive one another before He forgives us. Imagine if He didn't mandate this requirement.  Some of us would still be in bondage, chained and shackled with unforgivenss.

I Choose to Forgive!

Hide And Seek!!!

While the devil seeks, you seek God. Everyone has experienced hell in their lives, but everyone won't experience Heaven. Jesus' spent a season in hell, but it was for a purpose. Your season of hell is for a purpose. When the devil comes looking for you, don't be there.

Don't look for me where you left me. I'm not there.

Hide And Seek!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Praise Him in the Dance!!!!

David danced before the Lord. It's okay to dance before the Lord. Don't let nothing or any one stop your praise. The devil is in his place, under your feet. It's time to pick 'em up and put  'em down. Praise Him in the dance.
Praise Him in the Dance!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I Accept!!!

Life is a teacher and full of lessons. Friends come and friends go. Jesus, truly is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24 I truly thank God for Jesus. Failures and successes are inevitable. Dreams grow and dreams die. We learn there are times to just keep things to ourselves. Truth beats a lie every time. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32 Don't believe the lies. Change is ever present, but there are things we can not change.     

I Accept!!!

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

                --Reinhold Niebuhr 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Whatever It Takes Get To Jesus!!!

Jesus sets an example of setting aside time for prayer. Communication with the Father is very important. Jesus being our example, we must know when to withdraw ourselves to prayer. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. There are times we have to consciously withdraw ourselves from the hustle and bustle of this world, our daily routines and schedules. It is each individual's responsiblity to pray.

Whatever It Takes Get To Jesus!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

No Time Now for That!!!

There are many possible reasons for growing weary in well doing. A lack of appreciation, relapses in those we've helped, the pressures of coping with our own problems, and the list goes on. Reasons that can all wear us out. It's possible our confidence may be undermined by a sense of personal adequacy. There are many distractions, including selfishness, critical attitudes, and unnecessary side issues. There's no doubt these factors cause us to focus on ourselves. It's hard to help others with their troubles at times when we're not sure we can handle our own. Be encouraged, because strength comes when we reach out to others.
In serving others, we not only obey the law of Christ, but also experience a refreshing freedom from our own  self-centeredeness.

No Time Now for That, because It's Your Time, It's Your Due Season.
And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

Friday, December 2, 2011

3 days!

Three (3), is a significant number. It represents completeness. 3 is referenced several times in scripture. I recently had a 3 experience. October 25, 2011 we viewed a possible place to house the ministry. On October 28, 2011 the third day, a contract was signed. We walked away with 3 keys to our new ministry home. What a completion! Do you have any experiences with 3?

The Number 3

    Another of the numbers where we can readily see God use it in a spiritual sense to signify something, is the number three. It is used of God to signify His Purpose or His Will! For example, when God sent the three messengers to Abraham to tell him that Sarah would conceive in her old age (Genesis 18), by the use of the number three we see in this an illustration that they came with God's "purpose and will" to Abraham. i.e., it was by the will of God and for His own purposes that Sarah should conceive so that God would make a great nation of Abraham through it.
The same illustration is seen as God brought a thick darkness upon the land of Egypt (exodus 10:22-23) for three days. In this, God's purpose and sovereign will of judgment is worked out. The number three illustrated that it was for God's purposes that they were in darkness while all the Children of Israel had light!
Continue reading about 3 at
Remember, 3 days is not a lot of time!!!