Monday, December 26, 2011

Reach One!!

It is important to know we may not reach the masses. Start with the crumbs, reach one, then another one, and so on. There are times you will hear of those you touched and times you will never know. I want to encourage educators to keep teaching, someone is listening.

A students' thank you letter.

I will miss you, because you helped me through a lot. You told me not to hang around certain girls. You are my first Black teacher. You taught me all that I know. Thank you for not giving up on me. You helped me through 5th grade. You showed me the way through the woods. You showed me through the path.

A 5th Grade Student


  1. Wow! That's powerful. Keep on doing what you're doing. Think of how many people she's going to help along the way now, instead of ending up a negative statistic.

  2. This is true. That's why we have to reach one.

  3. You knew I'd like this post! I accept your challenge to "reach one"!
