Sunday, January 3, 2016

A small Celebration!!!

As we embark upon this New Year 2016 and anticipate great things, I want to ensure we maximize the small things. Sometimes we have the habit of pushing the small things aside and viewing them as irrelevant. I admonish you to view the small things from another angle by embracing, cherishing, and learning from the small things. Great lessons and blessings are derived from the small things. Take a moment to reflect. Can you remember or have you forgotten?

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..." Zechariah 4:10

Let's be mindful to celebrate the small. You're being watched, "Well done, you upright (honorable, admirable) and faithful servant! You have been faithful over a little; I will put you in charge of much." Matthew 25:23

The 2016 loaves we will celebrate in approximately 12 months will take determination, endurance, persistence, and diligence. Before the loaves are formed we will need the slices, and before the slices we need the crumbs. Crumbs: A small Celebration now!  

Less is best and leads to Much. What you do with Less determines your Much. If you look down on Less you can't look up on Much.



  1. 2016 loaves...Amen!! Thanks for sharing! :) anitra

  2. Nothing like making sure we stop and smell the flowers....

    1. This is true! We have to learn to enjoy and appreciate the journey!
